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2002-03-01 - 2:00 a.m.

Sometimes the amount of effort it takes not to kill everyone in the workplace is staggering. We had a nice discussion though. It was about how women are parasites in most relationships. Now a good relationship should be symbiotic, but at most times the sex that all men want is heavily out-weighed by the favors/gifts that the ladies expect before giving it up. Ergo parasite. Anywho woohaa no more work today and keg tomorrow makes for happy weekend. People are back from the bar now. I wish I had been at the bar but I have to work or no house to live in. Someone is now watching a shitty movie about country music behind me. I think it is Kuker. Crappy music making it haard to konsentrate ahhhhhhh aldjfal; alkdj;oieangi akf vm over now. Go eat fluffy doughnuts and be happy. Farewell

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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