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2002-03-21 - 3:01 p.m.

I thouroughly enjoyed my time spent hanging out yesterday. We saw a brawl and a bad horror movie. You just can't beat that with a stick. Okay maybe a big one. My situation still makes me angry though. The people at work will probably talk to me tonight. It is only because Ben will not be there(no offence brother Ben). I don't have a problem with Ben, I have a problem with being ignored while he is standing there. BOB4L. Sometimes I get so mad that I leave. I should just confront the situation but I don't think it would help any way. Hi, I'm alive too and I'm standing right here. People make me angry. I think I'm going to have to kill someone again...Oops. Ignore that comment. I did not say anything (Jedi mind trick hand pass). The banner at the top of my screen is quite hypnotic. It distracts me from typing. Hopefully the rest of my week turns out as good as yesterday was starting to go. That would make me very happy. It's been a long time since I've had a good entire DAY let alone a weekend. Women of the world that are hot, help a brother out. On to other things and off to work.

You just leave me nailed here

Hanging like Jesus on this cross

I'm just dying for your sins

And aiding to the cause


The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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