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2002-03-27 - 1:39 a.m.

I is home. King Jiggly rules, everyone has to admit it because I won that match. Soon my insanity will envelope me completely. Then I will revert to my pre-JTMF form. I will still keep my new name as it is awsome, but in spirit I will be Mr. Id once again. I have a demon who sits on my shoulder at work. His name is Beeazylchuck. Spencer and Carl saw him today. He told me to blow up Wallyworld the other day. I just laughed and said "Aw, Beeazylchuck you're so funny." But then he started saying how the floor cleaners' propane tanks could be used and I made him sit on the shelf for a while. I think I need a shorter leash for him. He tried to kill Parn yesterday. Demon familiars are fun, but thier squeaky voices get annoying sometimes. Someday I'm going to learn to shapeshift and regenerate. I'll never have to buy food again. I could turn my arm into a steak and then grow a new one. Hopefully you are either more stupid or more insane after reading all of this. Remember it is all true. Also remember that my goal is to destroy or make everyone a soldier in my universe devastating army. Bounce! pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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