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2002-03-31 - 10:26 p.m.

Brrrrrraaahh!!! Molyolyosis cantuperinon opitae knocolonic. I is a killing machine in two rpg's now. Death to zombies and death to trollocs. Broncos make a quite effective weapon in a pinch. Bang, pow, bodies litter the road. GTA3 style. My familiar giveth me incredibly good luck. Why does not everyone have one? More death to monster thingies and steak for Easter is good. Especially when eaten with potatoes and corn and some chicken and some rolls and some more potatoes and some Easter candy and some beer and some Dr. Pepper and some Coke and some more candy. Brrrrrraaaaaahhh!!!!. Excessality. Boink. Supera. Explosivo!! Chickens. Babies in big canvas bags to save for dinner later. Monster hearts and brains making my shoes dirty. Cerebral palsy Doeden sitting on TV being humped by Beeazylchuck. Piano falling on silly mens' heads. More candy. I need more cow blood. Some goat explosions inserted now. Vampires with severe personality disorders. Goat candy. Tin cans are tasty if you cook them right. My brother watches South Park. Beeazylchuck masturbates while watching the Disney Channel. Recordable CD's. More porn for the masses!! More Parn for the masses!! Glod kicks dirty Orc in scrotum. Stevie=angry dwarf. Cards to managers saying "I won". Going to dance on graves and kick over tombstones when they die. Moonwalk and laugh hysterically. When will it ever stop? Why does the cheese hate dogs so much? World peace to all the motherfuckers that I kill. More candy. I think this may be my longest entry ever. Achilleos. Morbidity is eating your own leg and going to try out for professional soccer the next day. Magical diggies make me smoke to much cat intestines. Is it safe? That's the ugliest bong I've ever seen. Are you tired of all the lies? Get a gun and take care of your problems, one irate dancing purple Donkey Kong at a time. Fuck the suicide prevention hotline. Attrition is the staple of modern Darwinism. If I had a million dollars right now I'd shove it in my pants and fuck it until I couldn't stand the papercut pain anymore. Brrrrraaaaahhh! Albert Einstein fucked the entire staff of Chuckie Cheese after he built that god damn time machine. If I had a time machine right now I'd go back and help myself to the cake Marie Antoinette was trying to give away. I mean come on, free cake. Then I would go help crusify Jesus but I'd make sure they killed him right this time. Beetleborgs. Sam Raimi directs Spider Man, the Legendary Journeys. Toodlicious biatch.

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