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2002-09-02 - 3:54 a.m.

Can't take it anymore. Scratching. Bad time for the head to itch. Listening to Manson, wishing I had someone to talk to. Preferably cuddly and female. But as I always seem to fuck up in that department, I'll sit here and be lonely instead. I enter the not happy places in my head. Open up and visit, say hello to all the fears. Just like the relatives you hate. A part of your family no matter how much you wish they would die and leave you something cool, they will always be with you. I'm getting worse at all of this life stuff. I keep screwing things up. I don't even know what I am doing wrong. I see all the lucky people with their lucky relationships. I want to rip them apart to figure it all out. Why can't I have that? It isn't as if I don't try. What is so wrong with a Willy P? Once I figure this one out it'll decide. Destroy or Rule. This is what you should fear. I win either way. Back to the slaying.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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