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2002-10-26 - 5:51 a.m.

I was going to make a different entry. I have decided not to because of someone else. It would have seemed as if I were mocking them which would not have been my intention. Instead I'll just bullshit a bit. Today was alright. Hung out with people, had some fun times. Okay that is about all I have. Clark, nothing done and gone ever really changes who you are. You'll keep being you, and we'll still love you for it. Your spoon is too big. Lisa, you rock Eric's world. I'll kick his ass for you and make him update more. Actually if you want to look at it, I did kick his ass a bit more than usual today. That microwave had it coming. Chad rock out and destroy stupid bands. My special comments to the three people who have updated since I last checked diaries.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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