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2002-11-28 - 5:26 a.m.

Happy anti-Thanksgiving, or as it will from hence forth be refered to, Don'tgiveafucksgiving. I have just lost my will to care about this holiday. I can't spend it with MY family because my lovely job with it's flexible scheduling wouldn't give me any days off. I have been invited to other families Tdays but it just isn't the same. On top of that I haven't had a whole lot to be thankfull for this past year. I mean lets take a nice look at my life. Read my entries, figure it out. I lost damn near everything I cared about in the past year. In the words of Pantera I have been stepped on, pissed on, shit on, fucked with, and pointed at by lesser men. Not so much fun. I am thankfull for my friends, new and old. That about sums it up. You know who you are. Fuck everything that does not fit into that category. I will cook myself dinner tomorrow. It consists of most of the foods associated with Tday. I have turkey roast, mashed potatos, corn, pie, two forties, a bottle of coke, and a bottle of fine whiskey. Feel free to drop on by and partake of my Don'tgiveafucksgiving dinner with me. Peace out.

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