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2002-12-17 - 6:14 a.m.

Ah, the pain. You have to love pain. Pain reminds you that there is a better way to be feeling. Pain causes an effort to be made to improve one's situation. Most of all pain hurts. Sometimes hurting is good, and sometimes it isn't. You just never know do you? I personally prefer giving other people pain rather than feeling it myself. Unfortunately that is not acceptable behaviour in this day and age. I really want to bash quite a few people in the face right now. I could go to their houses and wake them up to an ass whoopin. That would be fun. Instead I'll just sit here and hate everything. That really doesn't let anything out, but at least I stay out of prison. I am having the couple problem again. That isn't fun, especially since it is nearing the holiday. I see a ton more people than I usually do. I don't like crowds of people. It bothers me to be surrounded by idiots. At least I might get a new job, that may help me cope a bit. Better hours, gooooooooood. Hope you like your new description in the profile. It shouldn't be difficult to find out. I would have used the kanji if I could. That would have made things a bit more difficult. It would've looked cooler too. I miss things. The things with the one stuff, you know. They have that stuff with them, and you do that one thing. It rules. I have to welcome video games back into my life. I would like to point out that they are a great way to deny your feelings and forget the world exists for a few hours. I had stopped playing them for a while. I wanted the pain. Now I just want everything to stop and go away. Maybe things will get better soon.

Just a reflection, just a glimpse, just a little reminder, of all the what abouts, and all the might of c-c-could have beens. NIN

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