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2002-12-30 - 7:40 a.m.

So the Doed is behind me playing da foosball, I just got home from Happy Chef a little while ago, and I am no longer on 4-1. Hurray. Too bad I am pissed at the world and want to impale it on a big stick. I hate people. I am pretty sure that is a problem, unless of course I want to live out the rest of my days as a hermit. I've discussed with someone before that I don't want to live in a cave till I'm thirty waiting for a girl to figure out that nice guys are better than assholes. Ah the joy of my run-on sentences. That's it fuck you no more proper punctuation or capitalization in this entry" i am rEally not iN the. mood to H'ave to fuck arOUNd with bEiNg,:+nice to everyoNe if 'it isn!t getting me anywhere i jUst want a female to have to do the things you do with a siGnificant other@#$%^&*%$%#*^W&$^*%^@sure i have a couple of choices but i am not in the fucking mood to deal with someone who has a ton of health problems then there is the religion thing that one blows as we all probably know willy p is a supermegafucking heathen most religious girls i know have a problem with that and even if they dont then their parents most likely do i have only met one girl who stated that she was not religious recently and im not too keen on going after a housemates sloppy seconds am i just too stupid to realize what the hell is going on or what someone inform me of what is wrong with me actually fuck that whole someone thing there are three wimmin as smallz would put it who i know read my shit so i put it to you lisa ozzie and amanda what the fuck am i doing wrong what can i change to get some results am i just not shiny enough tell me or email me or something be as blunt as fucking possible i want to know all of the information that i can in order to assist in my attaining a better mood i have been angry for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long i need a picker upper i am sick of wanting to kill people all the time and not being in any way shape or form happy i come home to nothing and hang out with people who have a loving other even if they dont appreciate them thats another thing i really cant stand all this fucking cheating i see going on and if you dont know why it pisses me off then you are fairly fucking clueless no offense i have never nor will i ever cheat on anyone for any reason it is ridiculous and dishonorable obviously you didnt love someone enough to be with them if you do it and your stupid fucking ass should have to pay for it i know from experience how much it can destroy a person and i will kill everyone involved someday look theres more anger see see see i want to let it go but i dont have an outlet i can smash all the objects i want but they just dont scream the way i need them to they dont bleed and they were never really alive i am good at love in the multiple aspects that can be taken for i love to take care of someone to a reasonable extent and i can be don juan in a snizap i certainly hope this writing style has annoyed you by now because i know i am having a problem typing like this i would hate to have gone through all of this effort for nothing the only way i could make it worse is if i chose not to correct my mistakes and i dont even think i could do that so i also hope you didnt get too annoyed and just skip it that is all i have to say so once again my three utterly beautiful ladies who may or may not have read all of this please get back to me i will thank you heartilly and there will probably be a little somethin in it for you i am out like disco


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