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2003-01-27 - 2:17 a.m.

I have ignored the activities usually associated with Super Bowl Sunday yet again. I played Diablo almost all day. I have become Death. My character was kinda sucky before but now she rocks. I ate three pounds of little smokies.

Someone made out with me at the party last night. I kinda figured it was going to happen. I'll admit that I was mostly taking one for the team. I would have done it any way.

We are watching the World's Strongest Man competition on ESPN. Must be handy to be able to pull thirty ton garbage trucks around. One of the competitors is a cop. We think he uproots trees and beats criminals to death with them. It's crazy!

I is tired. I don't want to work tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to leave early. It's a new pay week and all. K bye.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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