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2003-02-09 - 3:58 p.m.

I really don't know if I enjoy being a loser or not. It does have its advantages. My job and money situations are okay right now but I sill wish I had a girlfriend. Unfortunately I am too strange and too not trendy to pick up girls. Girls like me when they get to know me but by then it's too late. I FUCKING HATE being such a great friend. That is an odd thing to say, but fuck it that's how I feel. You get told that a few thousand times and see how you feel. Now that I'm on temporary vacation I have too much time to think. I need a vacation from being me, and I don't think that's possible. I want someone else's life for a few days. Just a little ride along in their mind to see what it feels like to be cool. By cool I mean "popular cool", just to clarify. I'm sure people out there think I'm cool but it isn't in the right way. Fuck ass. Ready to shoot myself in the face now.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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