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2003-02-17 - 10:25 p.m.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a Willy P unhappy, wealthy, and tired. On the bright side I got paid $11/hr to sit on my ass today. I will get paid $11/hr to sit on my ass tomorrow. I will get paid $11/hr to learn to drive kick-ass forklifts and other thingies for a few weeks after that. Today I learned about the lovely Target Corp. and how cool they like to think they are. We'll just have to see about that. My manager was cool. He is quoted as saying, "I don't give a shit about all that PC stuff just ask whatever questions you want." Rock. I will be the most senior person on my team due to scheduling and birth. We are the first crew to go through orientation making us the senior crew. We are ranked within the crew by SSN. I was born in Texas were the SSN's start with a 1. All my Ioweagan counterparts will have higher numbers than me. Victims. Eric and I had a great discussion about what a person would do if everyone else died. If you were the only living person in the town you were in what would you do? We would do some crazy shit. How bout you people? I am throwing out a topic of dland discussion. Answer the fucking question. I will write a real entry about it later but I don't have the time to devote to it right now. It is almost bed-time. I wanna stay up late damn it. Good night everybody. May your dreams be filled with whatever makes you happy. I'm dreaming of you, naked, thigh deep in tofu. You likey Leaky?

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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