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2004-05-21 - 5:06 p.m.

I come to diaryland almost every time I'm on a computer. That hardly ever actually inspires me to make an entry. I've been drinking heavily this week and for some reason it's time. I'm really sick of my week, and the week before that, and the month, and the year, and eventually if I make it probably the decade. I'm sick of paranoia and depression. I'm sick of pissing people off. I'm sick of not having anything to share. Normal sucks, exceptional is too much work, and sub-par is not enough to live for. I don't want to contribute to the world. I just want to hang out and play video games, drink, heavily, fuck, love, hate, do things, or just go on a god damn adventure every once and a while. I think it comes down to if a tornado had come straight at the house today I wouldn't have moved. I would have grabbed my bottle of whiskey and gone out to say hi to mother nature. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel suicidal, it just would have been something different to do. Some people claim that life isn't like TV or the movies but they're wrong. The world is full of main characters and chances are you are just some fucking extra in the back of scene 42.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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