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2002-03-07 - 3:08 a.m.

Lick my nuts. Someone should every once and a while. At work we've been discussing Akira. If any of us had that kink of power, I don't think there would be anyone left in the world. Kind of similar to if any of us had the Force. I know I would destroy the Earth if I had the power to. It isn't that I don't like ya'll, it's that a)I would get to kill every stupid fucking idiot out there and b)for 1 split second I could say "HA I DESTROYED THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET!!!" Some people are making me more angry than others at the moment. BOB4L. That should explain enough to anyone who knows me. Perhaps if some of "them" start paying attention to me, I won't have to destroy everyone after all. Now it is time for a cheeseburger. Farewell, may the forces of evil buy thee a burrito on the way to thine house.

the JTMF

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