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2002-03-15 - 4:24 p.m.

Hey people when life kicks you in the teeth you just got to get back up headbutt it and kick it in the nuts. You will still lose but at least you got your two cents in. I once again went out last night, and once again all hope of a little snugidge was dashed against the rocks of BOB and bad timing. I hate everyone sometimes but I get over it eventually. I read Smallgren's entry on the bitches and I officially induct him into the BOB. The Thorn seconds the motion and so it is. Nothing has been working for me this month. Happiness is a shining light moving slowly ahead of me, but try as I might I can't catch up. I just keep tripping and being held back. It is right there in front of me, I can see what I need to do to reach it. There is some force ever holding me back. I will reforge myself with my anger and try once again to break through. Maybe I can get there this time, and if not I'll get up, get angrier, and try again. Death to unhappiness for all of the people(especially the BOB).

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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