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2002-03-19 - 1:55 a.m.

Watching someone beat someone else up purely for their own mutual enjoyment is a great joy of life. If they get paid for it then it is Pro Wrassling. I have taken ill and required rest so I left work very early tonight. I need money but when every minute seems like 15, it is time to go. Everything is normal right now, I suffer and wish things would go better but I know they won't. I needs something to kill! Then maybe I will feel a little better. Ending a life is always fun. Especially small furry helpless animals. They give the most personal enjoyment. It's like "Fuck you Thumper. Fuck you Bambi. How's about a little battle axe sandwich." Cleaving, slicing, and assorted other gory death sounds. Maniacal laughter ensues and one feels better all day long. If I can't make it to work tomorrow, oh fucking well. Sick hours have to be used sometime after all. I am going to go eat pizza now. You should all get one too. That is some sound advice.

Clangeddin be with me, and guide my axe.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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