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2002-03-17 - 1:53 p.m.

There is a basketball game on behind me. I don't watch sports and I am the only person in the house. I have no clue who turned the TV on or why they didn't turn it off when they left. TV off now less annoyance. Well I am having a non-eventfull weekend. Remember when everything was cool, you know back in "The Day". Fuck the day why can't shit be cooler now? Everyone left the house to drink St. Pats beer. I on the other hand must work in about two hours and I am not in the mood to unload trucks as a drunken fool. Dirty fucking work. If some millionaire happens to be reading and enjoying feel free to send a little my way. Don't be stingey motherfucker how's about a few hundred thou? Ah well, fuck it. Peace be unto you and may the light illuminate your path.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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