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2002-04-14 - 2:43 p.m.

It is warm out. It will soon be too hot for me. Bill and Ted is on the TV. I'm going to work today, yeah jerk jerk jerk. If they didn't get a second truck we are all screwed. 1 day to the D. Magical pie can make it all better. Magical pie can solve all of your petty little problems. The only difficulty is actually finding the magical pies. I think they keep them in special places. I will find them someday. Even if I have to defeat hordes of the evil baskets, I will find them. If you are one of the chosen, I will give you a slice. Don't you want a slice of my magic pie? Well then you had better be nice to me. Just because you are my friend doesn't mean you get some. I have a limited supply you know. Some of you should come and look with me. It will lessen the search time and a group would be better suited to fighting the evil guardians. Lets go to City Hall and blow it up. The pie might be under the building. That would be fantabulous. Time to kill. There is a baby out there. I'm goin hungry!! Babies are tasty. I so need the food. Be chillin yous.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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