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2002-04-16 - 1:12 p.m.

I just finished sunning and now it is entry time you fucks. As El Yuric and I discussed last night the D was not really an anger alleviator. It did however place within you a special feeling which I dubbed the inner shiny. The Yu agreed but refered to his as inner glimmer. In any case the concert was fucking awesome and if you couldn't or didn't go, do yourself a favor and shoot yourself in the face. I think I am going to dye my hair black again. If you have feedback and I haven't spoken to you already, email I. I don't think I am showing any sign of sun even though I was out for an hour. I may have to go back outside. All of you have a cigarette NOW!!! Okay wasn't that fun? Quick grab your junk! Now go have sex with your favorite person. Eat a sandwich followed up by a taco and wash it down with some nice root beer. Grab your junk again. Have a nice taco everyone it is back to the sun time.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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