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2002-04-23 - 3:00 p.m.

The last time I tried to update the fucking server was down. I am feeling a bit down again. The Hotel is the happiest place in my brain, it helps me escape from the bad thingies. I am not there 24-7 though, so the bad things have time to come for me anyway. I want my fucking truck to be here and opperational. I want a female friend to talk to and maybe snuggle a bit. I want to own drums and beat the shit out of them in an attempt to take over the music industry and then the world. I need a little balance in things. Aw fuck it enough with the sad shit. Last night at work was hilarious. Parn and I were in charge of setting up the new Ep2 Star Wars toys for their release at midnight. The crowd of geeks was enormous. It included good buddy Steve who spent over $450. I am sure our sales will be up for the week because of this and managers always seem to be happier when this happens. Last time for SW a fight broke out. That did not happen this time so we didn't get to geek stomp like we would have liked. After work we went to Steve's and played with a toy that would require a doctorate in physics to operate. It just goes to show that Lucas knows that no children are buying the SW toys. Okay bye ya'll. I'll eat you later with some BBQ sauce and a Beam and Coke.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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