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2002-04-25 - 12:09 a.m.

The anger is in me. I want to break and destroy. I want to end the lives of the multitudes. Fuck it all up, bash it down, slam it into the wall, and eat the remains. Underground, sproing from the earth rip it to shreds with my bare hands. The more people want me to relax the more angry I get. No one can understand me, why am I so...odd? Cover myself in blood and gore. I want to tear peoples' faces off and wear them on my belt. I want a necklace of skulls. I will build a throne of bone to sit upon while I rule the earth. I don't know what caused the anger to come on. I don't know how to stop it. Hope that you do not become the ventilation front.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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