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2002-04-29 - 1:05 p.m.

I just got a free sample of Excedrin Migraine in the mail. I don't have migraines. Why are they sending me drugs? I think they are trying to silence me. The black vans are probably behind the house again. Time to hit the secret passage. Don't let them get you. You have to escape. Use deadly force if needed. Remember none of them even have names, they were all engineered in that damn lab. I don't want to go back. They will not take me alive. I may have been the proto-type, but I am still far superior to the newer models. The fools stand no chance with me in combat. Far too many weaknesses to exploit. Shit they are coming through the back door, hold on... Okay I'm back. That's three gone. God damn it I got blood on the fucking keyboard hold on again. Fucking lab Nazis, they are going to die now. I'm going to get my flamethrower I'll talk to you later, outie.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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