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2002-04-28 - 2:25 a.m.

I almost met a chicka tonight. Unfortunately nature and reality hate me as usual. So perhaps another day. Ben was robbed. There is no way he is going to get Kristen and it pisses me off. It pisses me off and I now am going to kill Seth. He didn't seem to be any competition at all but we all know that the ladies tend to make the wrong relationship choices (sorry girls but you know I'm right). I won't mind killing him, he seems like an asshole anyway. He looks like a combination between Beavis and Butthead. On to the happy. Work flew by, looks like only one truck tomorrow, and I am still set up to meet a chicka just not today. Things are looking up so the bad fortune has to be coming on soon. I hate bad fortune. If I ever meet it I will put it's teeth on the curb and kick it in the back of the head American History X style. Shut your fucking face uncle fucka, bye.

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