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2002-05-24 - 3:39 a.m.

I hope you all took the time to read my use of spaces on my profile. It is annoying to read. I have had no inspiration these last few days. I don't approve of doedogg's nookie, I can't find the right girl of my own, and the world just wants to punch me in the face anyway. In defense of the Doed it was not entirely his fault that he got the nookie, she does want to be with him. But I thought they talked about it and decided not to. Oh well I guess it is none of my business.

I want to end you all

Stop looking at me like you care

You are only looking at me because I am in front of you

Well I hope you see the gun in your face

Goodbye bang

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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