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2002-05-26 - 2:13 a.m.

Nothing ever occurs in this house. I am in a massive hole of despair, with no one to turn to, and no one I think cares. My moral dilemma still haunts me. I have gotten different views on what I should do from several people. I don't think I can hurt either of them. Even if I did get a excellent bit of revenge out of it. I could do it if it was him and any other girl, but not her. I need a girl of my own. I probably would not care as much if I had one. I just noticed that my thoughts do not flow together well when I am upset. Please forgive my shitty writing. Anyway I can't do it to her because she is so nice to me. I needs a hug, somebody send me some lovin. Chew on that a bit. I am going back outside to sit in the moonlight.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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