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2002-06-08 - 2:22 a.m.

Look at me, I'm on crack. Good lord I love my crickity crack. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I don't do crack and to those of you who think I do, FUCK OFF! Have I ever been anything but nice to you. I'm not going to feed a chimp for two weeks and then release you in a room with him. I may or may not mean Doeden when I make a monkey reference. This particular time I do not. After the monkey is through with you, Beeazylchuck will fuck what is left of the pieces. Then I will say "Good Bingo, here have a banana." He will say "Eek eek!", then we will be boys again. Then we will probably go to the skating rink and have some good old fashioned little kid whoopin. Followed by a brief run from fat, old, cops. I'll most likely give him another banana at this point. At the end of the night I will take him back to the zoo I stole him from two weeks and one day ago. They will be happy the next day when he is back. Yu, I hope this is crazy enough for you, biatch.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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