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2002-06-10 - 1:55 a.m.

Howdy. I am operating on a measly 3 hours of sleep. So far I is dioangg okaaay alllllllfj ljldfj l m;ak iefh. (Sleep typing) For you all I have a sausage. It is a special sausage. It is not truly edible. It is more like Plato's ideal sausage. Behold it and weep at it's beauty. The monkeys in Guatemala are crying. The children in Ethiopia are crying. The bitches in the ghetto are crying. I am crying. For it is the perfect sausage, and it is good. There was much sweet looking wimmins at Wally's tonight. We all enjoyed it, but not as much as the sausage. Parn is crying, the Thorn is crying, Yu is crying. The tears of sausage happiness wash away the pain. Smallz is crying, the Posp is crying, you are all crying. We are all joined together as friends by this most glorious of sausages. In fact, it is so bad ass it now gets a capitol S. The Sausage is like unto God. God is a big beautiful Sausage. So remember to pray to the Sausage tonight and have sweet dreams. The End. The Man Who Makes So Little Sense It Scares People Sometimes. and by sometimes i mean a lot. AND BY A LOT I MEAN ALL OF THE TIME TO EVERYONE. Nooch!

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