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2002-06-15 - 3:25 a.m.

Like the Swiss I choose a policy of non-involvment with the current war. I will hang out with any and all of the people on my profile (except for williowman69 tolit toco hi-chi sungod zultan williowman grar attack times four rock giant cell phone's rinin run over by car no gloves) and other people who aren't listed but are hotel type folks none the less. All I have to say is that we all know what each other are like and friendship is overlooking the perceived flaws of another being you have something in common with to chill out and have parties. Whatever, shit. Get along people, I like all of you (except Snake as previously mentioned). Work when no one is there, and all of your friends are having a bunch of fun at the bar sucks. The missing folk need to come and party with us. The angry folk need to work out their problems and party with us. Parn is right we need the mega party. Well I'm outie.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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