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2002-06-26 - 11:52 a.m.

So anyway I'm sittin around listening to NIN while I flip through the various music channels to see if anything good comes on. Flip to VH1, Sheryl Crow that song about sun crap or whatever. So I watch the video for a second, I might as well look at a hot chick or two while listening to music I like. I get bored, I flip to MTV, and the same fucking song is on. I really hate when that happens. But wait the pointless story isn't finished. I flip to BET and Without Me is on. I watch it unto completion. I flip to VH1 and Hella Good is midway through showing. Another hot chick. After watching I flip to MTV. Some stupid R&B video is just ending and Hella Good comes on. It may just be my opinion but since VH1 and MTV are both really the same company don't you think they could mix up what the fuck is on at the same time. Well I just wanted to rant and everyone in the house is asleep except for me. I in fact have not slept at all due to oppressive heat.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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