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2002-06-28 - 5:52 a.m.

Damn people who quit drinking and go home while I continue to drink and then go to Hardee's and get breakfast. Yeah, I'm still awake and still drunk. My brain isn't functioning properly anymore. Manda you made me get horrible sunburn on my back while talking to you in the water, but i still love you anyway. I'll take you out anytime and pay. I haven't had a date in at least six monthes. Shoot me. I should have bought beer tonight. I would not be nearly as drunk if I had gotten something lighter. I had to go with my man Beam though. Monkeys for Doeden. Fuckin a. Snake is passed out on the couch upstairs. I would like to sit up there and listen to some music and mope but no. The CD player in my room doesn't work and I'm not going to sit in the chair next to Snake to listen to music. Fuck, shit, cock ass, mofo, bitch, cum clot, diseased rectal herpe, shit stained underwear worn for three days without showering. King Jiggly for Jon. My orange juice from Hardee's is mighty tasty. I love bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits. They are the shiznital bam. Alrighty so it's time for me to head to the passout zone. I hope you enjoy your time better than my depressed drunken no girlfriend no social life no fun havin bitch ass. Good bye ya'll.

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