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2002-06-30 - 6:58 a.m.

I had a horrible time at work. I was forced to sit and ponder upon the keg I had purchased but was unable to drink from. I wanted blood. I wanted it to drip from my teeth and down my shirt. I get off and sat at the party for a while being totally pissed off. Then I cheered up a bit and had some good talkins. I am upset that Alicia didn't come. I would have enjoyed talking to her. Man, are my sentences disjointed or what? I just had some danishes and a bagel with Ozzie, Jonah, and Eric. They were the shit, and Ozzie stole a metal duck. I have to move my shit from upstairs. The only problem is that I have no time to do this. My next day off is the 3rd. Oh well. I'm beginning to get tired so I'll kill you all later. Addition to this entry made at 3:30 in the afternoon: I just noticed that this was my 69th entry. Huh huh 69.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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