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2002-09-06 - 1:58 a.m.

They say that sometimes when one door closes, another door opens. Who comes up with this bullshit. I can sit and watch as assholes Bogart the attention. I know nice guys always lose. I know this. I see it every fucking day. I lose. That's about what it fucking comes down to. I lose. What kind of fucking system is that? Where's my door? I try and try. People see the connection. They cheer me on. The parties in question, they don't notice. This shit happens to all of my boys. Jon, Dan, Ben, Tony, all those guys. They are all great guys. We all care enough to be considerate. Where does it get us? Absolutely FUCKING NOWHERE. We are chanceless. You have to not really care to get a girl to pay any real attention apparently. Dan put it great tonight, "Yeah, you have no chance there. You'd have to rape her anally and burn her house down or something." As far as I can tell, that isn't very far from truth. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, QUADRUPLE FUCK ON A GOD DAMN FUCKING FUCK STICK. SOMEONE JUST BEAT ME TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING HAMMER, PLEASE. WHY DON'T YOU TAKE SOME NAILS TO MY EYES FIRST AND THEN TIE ME TO THE BACK OF A CAR AND DRAG ME AROUND. THEN WE CAN POUR SOME GAS ON ME AND LIGHT ME ON FIRE. THEN FINALLY THE HAMMER THING.

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