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2002-09-07 - 4:45 a.m.

Damn dragon burned my healing potions. Pain. Torment. Suffering. We all have these. We just never admit too much in public. We use a bullshit forum like this. Don't want to show any weakness. We all just pretend.

"Don't open your eyes, you won't like what you see"


Keep pretending you are happy. It really helps you out, right? When no one knows but you. I am hounded by demons. I want to do things, but I have a massive fear of recurance. In fact I can say that may be the only thing I am afraid of. I don't fear death. I am not afraid to talk to people. Repeating the past scares me. If it's one thing that fucked me up, it is the past. I don't have many good memories. I don't remember most of my childhood. I think I locked it all away. I still do that. I was the dumping pit of my mother's anger at my father. I had to be strong and listen. She told me not to be mad at him. So I pushed it all aside. I became emotionless. I was good at it. It really helped me out sometimes. I am a great fighter because I never got angry. It's just battle. Then at one point love caused me to open up. I rediscovered emotion slowly. I'm still bad at it. I think that's why I scare people sometimes. Discovery has brought me little but pain. I love a few people. I could fucking care less about most everyone else. I want to be compassionate but I can only do it with a focal point. I have no pity for the masses. Commercials about little starving children don't phase me. I've never met them and I never will. I am very generous to those I know. Now I'm just rambling. Perhaps more of this depressing bullshit later.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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