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2002-09-09 - 4:44 a.m.

I'm chewing on a pencil, what are you doing? I bet it's not as cool as chewing on a pencil. It isn't even my pencil. It has someone else's name on it. Skeletor is looking at me again. Ifn he don't back the fuck up Ima hafta sick some pirates on his ass. I got a woman's phone number tonight by pointing a phone at her and saying, "You." It rulz. My hands smell like shampoo. Not because of hair. Messy breakpacks suck. There is like some leaves and a kite. I am not sure I understand that one myself. All I know is that there is one more day of work before I have some days off. One day between me and havin some fun at Manda's Birthday Bash. We is gonna party like it's 19. Do you think they partied hard in the year 19? Do you think they knew it was 19 in 19? I think they were too busy with walking around being uncouth. That and orgying. Hehe orgies. I went to an orgy once. There were only guys there. I walked around for a minute and decided there were too many people, so I left. It was cool. Sorta like furbies. Furbies with ninja gear. Furbies with ninja gear who decapitate people. Furbies with ninja gear who decapitate people and wail on guitars. Furbies with ninja gear who decapitate people and wail on guitars, HARD!!!

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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