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2002-09-11 - 6:41 a.m.

Today's rating: about -.5

That is in a -10 to 10 spectrum. Not exactly a good day, but it had enough ups to make it better than usual. I danced with someone I never would have expected to dance with. I was told something so nice that I almost cried. That is the biggest upper. I got the great reaction to my card. I enjoyed a bit o'the beer and a shot called a red-headed slut. After the bar I hung out at Perkin's. Props to Jonny T for hooking up the first dance, and props to Kasey and Mandy for dancing. Props to Mandy for the shot and the comment. Props to Manda for the kitty. Props to Lil T and Ferg for the coffee time. Honorable mention props for the day include Lisa, Bud, and Mama Thayer.

Any hoo, I did not have the most fantastic time at the bar. I kinda sat around a bunch before Jon showed up. I just didn't have much to say to the people I was with. I even sat around a bit after Jon showed up because we were not seated anywhere near each other. After Jon hooked me up with the dance, I talked to Kasey for quite a while. She is usually so shy at work. It was kind of strange. I had a good time there regardless. Then most of the crew left. I believe it was down to Drew M., Ron, Mandy, Manda, the one guy whose name I can't remember, a girl (I think her name was Kristen), and myself. I sat around then too. I just sat there with my beer. Sorta on table duty as usual. Then the bar closed. I didn't feel like asking for a ride because Drew was still macking on a Manda(hehe). I would have walked home if Eric hadn't wanted to do anything. That's how I got to the mall to begin with. Hoofin' it.

Other points:

1: Dustin, what the fuck did you want to ask me?

2: It's 9/11, beware Osama Bin Doeden.

3: There is no point 3.

4: Refer to point 3.

5: Why in the fuck would there be a point 5 you asshole?

6: Leave me alone, cock-ass.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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