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2002-09-14 - 5:12 a.m.

Man oh man did work almost suck. That's right, it almost sucked. I was doing shitty breakpacks and there was almost no one there to talk to on breaks. The day would have all together sucked, but I made an improvement. I went into the store manager and told him to switch my shift. 2nd shift. No more backbreaking labor, no more not going to parties or the bar, and NO MORE BREAKPACKS. I win. After work I yelled things with people. Yelled with drunks at drunks. It was fun in a stupid childish mean manly sort of way. I then consumed one beer and went to Eric's. We watched a movie. It was good. Then I came home. The end of the far. My heart is racing in my chest for no apparent reason. My fingernails are shiny and purple. There is a Vulture on my couch. A note can change an indifferent reading of entries into smiley time. For one final thing, "I'm sorry was I not fitting in?"

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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