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2002-09-16 - 6:05 a.m.

Rockin out again.

I don't know your fucking name. So what, let's fuck.

-A.D.I.D.A.S. - Korn

That's a bit harsh, but it's funny in its own little way. I had a decent day. Happy suprises at lunch along with getting out early. I've been propositioned about a car, which I will most likely purchase. Then I can ask out Alicia. I just don't want to be the loser with no car. It doesn't work for pickin up the ladies. I have the lyrics to my song I am going to alter. So many happy, upish things about to happen. Waiting patiently for something to fuck it up. It will happen soon, I expect it. I'll do my best to try and stay in the "happy zone" for right now. Yeah I could sit here and come up with some more bullshit, but I think I'm about out. Oh, and where's my answer? Pretty please with sugar on top. I just want to know so I can plan shit.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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