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2002-09-15 - 4:43 a.m.

Try to save myself, but myself keeps slipping away.


Man NIN rules. They so rule, it fucking rules. Okay enough of that. I am just rocking out. I need to do that from time to time. Helps with the sanity. Work wasn't so bad today. I had a bit of fun. The time went by quickly. Went to Perkin's did the talkin. Saw Bri. That's about all. Tomorrow is a backrub day. Too bad I have to pay for it. It's so much more special from a loved one. Two more days till a day off. I need a beer. The end.

P.S. Hi Lisa(little squeaky just waking up voice)

P.P.S. Ozzy since you don't have your notes on I'ma do it this way. Screw that, I'm gonna take you out. I don't care if either of us have a significant other by then, fuck em. We will go eat somewhere, maybe catch a flick, go out to the club and dance a bit, and we'll have fun. Then maybe just maybe, when we're all worn out from that, we'll go get some hash browns. With real cheese. It'll rock. Give I an answer.

P.P.S.S. Fuck it, I'm out

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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