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2002-09-20 - 5:10 a.m.

I just saw the banner Lisa was talking about. I saw it after writing a note so I didn't have to look at it very long. I now have the giant GOLD! sign. This is the least annoying of all the banners. Remember the proper response to Parn's entry is, "HOLY CRAP!" Everyone be sure to leave him a note stating this.

So Alicia was crying today. I don't know why. It obviously upset me or I wouldn't be writing about it now. Luckily I was pre-emptively suave. I had left a message on her cell phone saying, "Cheer up, this is a happy message. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She had seemed in an unhappy mood so I made the call. She came to break looking like she had been crying, turned on her phone, listened to a message from an unknown (to her memory at least) number, and it was me trying to make her happy. It worked and I rule. I just wish I knew what had been wrong. She didn't tell me. Today was also free steak day at work. I ate four wonderously magically delicious non milkdudy steaks. This was my days excitement.

I need to do laundry. I am almost out of clothing. When you don't have a car it is hard to do laundry. Sooooon, sooooooon my precious. Okay that's it.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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