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2002-09-23 - 6:46 a.m.

Remember there are 10 commandments. I've broken all but 1 of them. Eric made up 7 more tonight. They ruled. I don't think I've broken all of the new ones yet. I love sitting around and bullshitting with people. I love laughing so hard that I almost die. I love hugs from people who really know how to give them. I love discussing explosives and how to make GI-Joe fly. I love it when Jon walks by me in his underwear to go to the bathroom and when I ask him what's up all I get is a grunt. I love having some things work out for once. I love killing animals because they deserve it sometimes. I love that I get to hit Chad in the face with a sledge hammer. Repeatedly. I love you all but don't think that will stop me from blowing up the god damn planet when it finally crosses the line. There I broke one of the commandments again. I tried to kill someone tonight but they wouldn't drink the bottle of paint thinner after I said it was good for them. That's two commandments right there. But then I said he had to worship it first. Three. I really wanna break that last commandment. Who do I gotta kill to break a god damn commandment around here? Wait that's not right. The GI-Joe flies at midnight.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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