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2002-10-01 - 7:54 p.m.

It's fucking Tatooine hot in our house. I went to do my laundry and when I came home, there were a bunch of demons dancing in my house. Apparently Beeazylchuck had invited a bunch of friends from hell over. I thought about joining in the festivities for a minute but then I decided to kick them out. They were getting blood all over everything from some guy they had tricked into coming inside. That and they were listening to Nelly. So mid, "It's gettin hot in here," I was like, "Hey clean up your shit and get the fuck out." They were pissed and they started pulling weapons and shit. I grabbed Death Candy and we had at. Before long they were packing up and leaving. I made Beeazylchuck sit in a box while they were cleaning up the blood stains. Fuckin demons. I opened up all the doors and windows to get some air moving and I made the B promise never to do it again. He probably won't listen, but I'm not afraid of his friends. So now I am trying to cool off my house and looking for something to do. Give me a call peeps.

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