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2002-10-08 - 6:08 p.m.

Today has been good. I got some bank. Then I went and ate. That could've been better, but Manda was busy so she couldn't come with me. I went to Wal~Mart and got some essentials, including a cross and rosary air freshener for my car. I brought my stuff home and unscrewed the cross flipped it over and screwed it back in. That ought to piss some people off. I failed to see anyone I wanted to a Wal~Mart. They were probably all on break. Fucking slackers. Now I'm listening to The Fragile/Right and waiting for Tony B. to call. I keep trying to find Edward Scissorhands to purchase but nowhere has it. I will try and download it I guess. Bye.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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