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2002-10-12 - 2:08 a.m.

OWWWWW! My feet hurt. I stayed an extra hour at work tonight. Ryan asked me to. I told him okay on the condition that I get out an hour early tomorrow. He agreed and RULE! Now I can go to the party earlier. People won't be so drunk this time. It'll be great, maybe. Sinking sensation. Might get angry. I'll explain how the conversation goes if it happens. Going for coffee in a bit with Eric. Pets got stomped tonight. If I hadn't had the extra hour I wouldn't have gotten done with just the new freight. Too much worky. I want my switch to second shift. An extra opportunity may have arisen. It seems that someone wants to switch to 4-1. I've played that game before. If we switch and he doesn't like it, it's too late. Hahahahaha, I win. Onward to a new day.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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