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2002-10-20 - 2:30 a.m.

Damn every fucking stupid asshole out there. Fuck everyone who takes for granted everything they have. I'm going to move to the mountains and become a hermit. I'll eat what I forage or kill and I won't have to deal with people. People are pissing me off. Seems no one can win. Everyone's life is shitty. None of us deserve it. We all try, but it just isn't there for us. Someday I'll get it all. If I can't, no one will ever have anything ever again. I'll end it all myself if I have to. To save the world I will end it. Fuck-ass.

On another note I had a decent night. I was forcibly made to look at nudity. She said, and I quote, "Hi Will, look at my tits, look at my stomach, look at my legs." So I said, "They are all very nice." She thanked me and we moved on. Man, hanging with strippers (yes strippers not stripers as I am sober this time) is to put it as the crazy Grooms would, "key." Dan Dan, macking again. You just rock my cock man. Frohn, break something. Trust me, it will make you feel a little better. You can use Mr. Baseball bat if you need a weapon. Others are out and about doing naughty things I wish I could be doing. I guess no one wants to be naughty with me. So sad. Moving on. The Wretched is an awesome song. I wish they played it on Wal-Mart radio. I'm out of ideas. Bye.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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