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2002-10-30 - 7:01 a.m.

A commandment, the first of many to come.

Thou shalt create spring in every fucking room possible.

I really don't know what my obsession with that spell is. I just realized that I have a priest in d&d that does about the same thing. Only he doesn't worship the coolest god ever. Sebian, Lord of Waves, Master of Oceans, Bringer of Undertow, Surf Ninja, Captain of Captains, King of Seamen...scratch that last one from the record. That's right Bud is now an Imm. I am His High Priest and Eric is His Paladin. We shall strike fear into the hearts of the nonbelievers and maybe exile and twit a few of the believers anyway. You know why? Cause we can, that's why. We converted at least 5 people while I was on tonight, and it rulz. With a z. And how! We've got the bombs and the backstabs and the demonfire and the other really bad and nasty things that people don't want to happen to them. We are badong. Like Evil Betty.

Thou shalt quote from Kung Pow at appropriate times.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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