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2002-11-01 - 4:51 a.m.

I just watched some anime we accidentally downloaded. It was called Escaflowne. It wasn't bad. That's two anime movies in a row where love conquered the villians but was taken away abrubtly. At least this time it wasn't a bullet to the head like in A Kite. It was pretty sad anyway. It doesn't pay to be the heroes in anime. Damn Mystic Moons and little girls bouncing basketballs. Watch out for those. You never know when they will summon you back to Earth or shoot you in the face with a supa-cool explosive rounds pistol. Guess what the male hero of Escaflowne's name was. It was Van...someone's theory may be correct. We must research the japanese obsession with using Van as a hero name. Happy birthday Eric. I didn't find out until 2 about your phone. I had been calling probably once every ten minutes since 12. You will be pancake flat after I see you next. I figured you were talking to Lisa. Your brother was watching Goodfellas on the computer so I had no means of knowing. I ate Hardee's. I rule. Goodbye.

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