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2002-12-07 - 2:56 p.m.

The Justice League always worked with the Army when tanks just couldn't take something down. The Gayness League works with the Navy. Don't you worry about the Air Force, they have the Powerpuff Girls on their side. If shit really hits the fan, anyone can call Monkey.

If the Ambiguously Gay Dou took on the Gay Greaser and Bike Dyke, we decided that Bike Dyke would win since she is tougher than the three of them combined. She would wait for the orgy to start and kick all three of their asses.

Announcement: The Gayness League has added the hero, Duraflame to their ranks. He shouts, "Flame on!" Then he bashes villians in the head with his Gay and Proud sign.

I am a villian so I have to reveal the secret identity of the Gay Greaser to everyone. If you didn't already know, the mild mannered Doeden is really the Gay Greaser. There, I said it. I hope Bike Dyke doesn't come after me now. Man that would suck.

Gayness League members thus far

Gay Greaser

Bike Dyke





Lipstick Lezzie

There will be more members soon.

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