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2002-12-04 - 5:38 a.m.

I am pissed. It is hard to explain why. Just deal with it. I really want to cuddle with someone right now. A nap on the couch or something. FUCK! It hurts. As I have said several times today, I just cram it all into a little ball and add it to the anger I keep in that place where my heart used to be. I don't know what the fuck I am doing. I'm just trying to be me, I guess. No one wants to let me do my thang. I don't have anywhere to go. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I just want something I can never have. I am getting really angry right NOW! Time for Frank to die. That's a little better. His crushed body sits in my lawn. His hat sits upon my head. Now I feel bad. I was hoping he would last a little longer than that. Oh well. I'll put him back in the lawn from whence he came tomorrow. I hope they get a kick out of that. I also hope they paid a lot of money for their little commercialized frosty the snowman bullshit decoration. Fuck those people. They could save the money they spend on stupid shit and give it to the homeless. That is what they would do if they really gave a fuck about christmas. I don't give money to charity, I can't afford to. I scrape by as is, but stupid assholes like these piss me off. They claim to have all this holiday spirit while missing the entire fucking point of the holiday. The world is bullshit. I hope we blow it up. What other stupid shit can we do to speed up the process. Meanwhile at the Gayness League Headquarters... The Gay Greaser and Bike Dyke try to find a way to stop Prof. Chaos' evil robots... Man Doeden you are the second worst super hero ever. Well I guess I am done here. I've done some damage and that's a good start for the rest of the day.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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