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2002-12-21 - 3:28 a.m.

Today was decent. There was only one truck today, and that is a good thing. I got to work in softlines, (that's the clothing part) instead of my usual pet hell. People talked to me, and I even got a hug from someone. I got done with softlines right as second shift got called to leave. I didn't have to work over there by myself. Then some more shit happened that isn't important until I got off work ten minutes early. I come home and open my mail and I got $125 from some relatives. I decide to hook up the PS and my fucking TV dies. I have sound but no picture. I am thinking about what I should do and Drea asks me if I will go get her some pop. I figure what the fuck, I have to go get a new TV anyway. So I go buy some pop and a new TV which ran me $124.09 after my discount. Then I hook all the shit up and throw in some Soulfly and rock out. I proceeded to play Chrono Trigger for a little while. Then I put in NIN. So now I have a new victim. The TV, which now has Johny 4 written on the front of it, is going to die. Much better day than normal. Only two bad things happened really. TV death and I got a bloody nose for no reason at work. I now will rock out some more. Ba da da daaaaaaaa. Brak rules.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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