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2003-01-03 - 5:29 a.m.

Since I last updated 4 people on my buddy list have. Each of those entries are truly beautiful. I appreciated every one of them. It could just be that I had a day that rated on the positive. I don't exactly recall the last time that happened. I am not going to claim that it was a perfect day by any means. It was just a good day. I decided

That which does not kill me, obviously didn't try hard enough.

It is far too late. I will be tired at work tomorrow. Who knows if there will be a truck. They called todays forward to yesterday. Vortex of loading, BAD(right arm swing left to right motion). Target wishes to interview me. Silly bastards. That job will be mine. Then I will gain even more free time than I gained from the position switch. He he position switch. I wish I could have one of those. My entry isn't as good as the afformentioned. I can't pull it off. Willy P thoughts don't transfer well into writing. Far too impulsive. Yang is on the rise right now. By that I mean that most males I know are having an upswing, where the females are falling upon down times. Wish upon the lidded blue flames under my brow for luck. Or just make out with me or something. That'll improve your luck. I'm going to be a hermit when I grow up. Cause fuck you. I possess doneness.

The past is gone - Next song. Next song. Next!

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